Data science

The breadth of our experience and knowledge across both data science and life science disciplines means we are uniquely placed to generate experimental insights and interpretation.  We synthesise diverse data sets to arrive at meaningful biological conclusions, so that our clients can benefit from accessible and actionable interpretation.

We provide a range of computational tools and data analysis services to provide insights from a wide range of experiments.

  • Development and implementation of automated workflows to take data directly from “instrument to insight”.
  • Standard and extended bioinformatic analysis, including expression analysis, clustering, dimensionality reduction and linear modelling.
  • Targeted experimental analysis, i.e. protein turnover, time-course studies and pathway analysis.
  • Custom exploratory analysis and visualisation of large, highly dimensional and complex datasets.
  • Specialist integration of multiomics datasets including curation of enhanced metadata from publicly available databases.
  • Practical application of AI tools including design and development of custom machine learning models.
  • Evaluation of existing data-analysis scripts or computational processes for opportunities for improvement such as accelerated completion time or reduced implementation cost.

We are able to process and analyse vast amounts of data using a variety of specialist approaches, leveraging our expertise, experience and computational assets to provide high quality results. Our in-house Platinum Discovery PipeLine software allows us to expedite data analysis with detailed monitoring, reducing inefficiencies and promoting reliability and reproducibility.

When it comes to computational workflows we know there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution and we can develop workflows for our clients using a variety of technologies and vendors. This means we can easily adapt to meet your unique requirements or IT constraints.

Get in Touch

Our clients gain a more detailed understanding of complex diseases and drug targets, resulting in improved effectiveness of therapies, cost efficiencies at multiple levels and ultimately the realisation of precision therapeutics.

Contact us to talk to our expert team about your requirements.